[vc_row title="When I'm not working..." subtitle="I have lots of interests that I love to indulge! Here are just a few: " swatch="swatch-vivifx-style-base" background_image="1097" background_position_vertical="-35" overlay_opacity="0.2" overlay_grid="on" background_image_attachment="fixed"][vc_column width="1/1"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row swatch="swatch-vivifx-style" top_decoration="rounded-inverted" bottom_decoration="rounded-inverted" height="short" overlay_colour="" overlay_opacity="1" background_image_size="auto" background_image_repeat="repeat-x"][vc_column os_animation_enabled="on" os_animation="fadeInUp" width="1/1"][heading]Illustration[/heading][vc_column_text]
My main past time when I am not working is drawing! I've been drawing since I was young, but recently I've become more serious about my art work. Some of my primary inspirations include pinups, monster girls and Art Nouveau. Most of the illustrative work I do is for prints, charms, bookmarks and more - which I sell at the various conventions I attend!
Below you can see a broad selection of my works. For more on my illustration you can check out my artist alley gallery here!
[/vc_column_text][TS_VCSC_Lightbox_Gallery content_images="1075,1074,1073,1071,1072" content_images_size="large" content_style="Flipster" content_preloader="1" flipster_style="flatline" lightbox_title="caption" lightbox_effect="simpleSwitch" lightbox_backlight="hideit"][/TS_VCSC_Lightbox_Gallery][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row swatch="swatch-vivifx-style" height="short" background_image="1097" background_position_vertical="-35" overlay_colour="#282828" overlay_opacity="0.4" overlay_grid="on" background_image_size="auto" background_image_repeat="repeat-x" background_image_attachment="fixed"][vc_column os_animation_enabled="on" os_animation="fadeInUp" width="1/1"][heading]Artist Alley[/heading][vc_column_text]
Within the last year I've gotten into tabling at various anime conventions! I absolutely love tabling because I get to talk with fans and interact with them on a personal basis. Tabling also motivates me to create new and exciting artwork so that I always have something new to offer. I've recently begun applying my user experience expertise to various display set ups and physical store fronts. I hope to release a study on it someday!
Below you can see some of my various tabling images. To see more of my artist alley merchandise and table set up you can view my complete gallery here!
[/vc_column_text][TS_VCSC_Lightbox_Gallery content_images="1097,1101,1098,1096,1140" content_images_size="large" content_style="Flipster" content_preloader="1" flipster_style="flatline" lightbox_title="caption" lightbox_effect="simpleSwitch" lightbox_backlight="hideit"][/TS_VCSC_Lightbox_Gallery][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row swatch="swatch-vivifx-style" top_decoration="rounded-inverted" bottom_decoration="rounded-inverted" height="short" overlay_colour="" overlay_opacity="1" background_image_size="auto" background_image_repeat="repeat-x"][vc_column os_animation_enabled="on" os_animation="fadeInLeft" width="1/2"][heading header_align="left"]Film Editing[/heading][vc_column_text]
I've been editing videos since I was about 14 and a friend showed me Windows Movie Maker. I'm most well known for my work in the anime music video community, where I created several videos that won best in show at numerous conventions across the world. I don't edit as much as I used to, but I still find time in my schedule once a year for one or two videos! I primarily use Adobe Premiere Pro in concert with After Effects.
Across here you can see a video I was hired to create by the fantastic people at Atomic Lollipop for their convention promotion. You can check out more of my video work on my YouTube channel Vivifx![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column os_animation_enabled="on" os_animation="fadeInRight" width="1/2"][TS-VCSC-Youtube content_youtube="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-08pV9JAgs"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row swatch="swatch-vivifx-style" height="short" background_image="1142" overlay_colour="#282828" overlay_opacity="0.4" overlay_grid="on"][vc_column os_animation_enabled="on" os_animation="fadeInUp" width="1/1"][heading]Costuming[/heading][vc_column_text]
If no one was convinced I was a big anime dork yet one of my other interests is costuming and cosplaying! I love to sew and design my own clothing - although I mostly put these talents to the task of cosplaying. Below are several costumes I made myself, a few entirely are my own draft and design work.
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